Tuesday, August 7

California, Alaska

It was the best of both worlds, it was the worst of both worlds.


  1. I know exactly what you mean! I think...

    Writing of Cali, when are you headed back? A comrade recently invited mt on a Road Trip to Black Bear Ranch, a coomune I've been lazily interested in for a while, I replied with how it would work for me. And I also recently got invited to San Pedro by someone I met last time I was in Tucson, so I think I might be coming early next month.

  2. I was confused who this was until I realized you used the word "comrade". Alex! I'm headed back at the beginning of October. Black Bear Ranch Commune... what is the focus of the commune? Gardening, nudity, anarchy? ALL THREE? I want to live on a commune at some point. Maybe when I am an old artistic lady who has long gray hair.
