Friday, August 31

Latinate Animal Adjectives for Fun and Profit

The ones you already know:

Canine - dog.
Bovine - cow.
Avian - bird.
Equine - horse.
Feline - cat.
Serpentine - snake.
Simian - ape.
Ursine - bear.

But there are others!  Fun! 

My favorite new-to-me latinate animal adjectives:

Aquiline - eagle.  (Makes so much sense!)
Asinine - ass/donkey.  (Makes so much sense!)
Herpestine - mongoose.  (Bummer!)
Hirudinal - leech.  (Good insult)
Oscine - songbird.  (Good compliment)
Strutious - ostrich/emu/rhea.  (The ostriches, they do strut)

1 comment:

  1. Now I understand an aquilline nose! Thanks! Kt
