Friday, June 29

From the drafts folder

From cell phone reviews I read tonight:

"First off, we should all thank Alexander Graham Bell for inventing the telephone in 1876."

"I have the red version and my soul mate has the blue one."

"Please help, I washed my phone in the dishwasher when I was very drunk and now it won't turn on!"


At the park today a man had three little Toto dogs named Leia, Ewok and Chewbacca.  They sprinted, crossing each other's paths like birds do, like they have a radar sense that prevents collision.  Their owner kept saying their names and they kept ignoring him, and I found it comforting that the dogs have never seen those movies, that they will never understand their names, that they're immune to culture.  Like maybe there are significances, meanings, that I will never understand but that nonetheless exist.  Only instead of Star Wars movies I hope they're spiritual, and I hope when those dogs die they'll go to a heaven where they watch the series of films and understand them as spiritual allegories for what happened to them during their lives.

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