Tuesday, July 10

Shelley Duvall, Chicago Chicanos, and Wisdom Teeth: A Teaser

Exciting things in the near future that fall between "Maybe" and "Probably" on the scale of probability that I will write about them:

-Driving taxi Tuesday night.

-Taking the Parks Connection bus Wednesday morning with my pal Val La Osa to Anchorage.

-Picking up a rental car in Anchorage, then picking up her brother and two male cousins from Chicago, where she is also from, at the airport.

-Hanging out in Anchorage for the afternoon/evening, then driving to Seward and staying at the Windsong.

-Taking a boat tour in Seward on Thursday.

-Driving back to Talkeetna Thursday night.

-FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH MOVIE NIGHT on Friday, showing of The Shining at 11pm, intentionally postponed to that hour because I was the one who suggested that movie, because I've wanted to re-watch it ever since working at a BIG NATIVE AMERICAN DECOR HOTEL WITH LONG HALLWAYS, and I haven't, and 11pm is when I get off work on Friday.

-Dentist appointment the following Thursday.  I haven't been to the dentist since I was either 16 or 17.  That's either 11 or 12 years ago.  I brush my teeth A LOT, barely ever floss.  I recently became aware that most adults have 32 teeth, while I have 28.  I think I'm missing a molar at each end, but I'm not sure.  I stared at a tooth chart while touching my teeth (v. attractive), trying to figure it out, but I couldn't.  I feel like once I get past the canines they are ambiguously shaped, and I can't tell the difference between a premolar and a molar.  I did a little reading online about this and apparently having only 28 teeth can indicate the (looming, menacing) presence of impacted wisdom teeth.  Which is a horrible thought.  If I have impacted widsom teeth and they want to do surgery to dig them out, what will I do?  Will I let them?  I don't know.  Probably if they are pointed sideways toward my other teeth I will get them out, but if they are pointed in the correct directions I will let them be, because I have space in between every single one of my back teeth.  This is already very long, but an interesting anecdote about wisdom teeth is that a dentist dropped one of my mom's down her throat during an extraction while she was pregnant with me.  It would be cool if I had 29 teeth, because that would suggest the tooth floated wombward and I grabbed it.


  1. I have also not been to the dentist since I was 16 or 17. And I also have no wisdom teeth! neither does my mom. Here's a fun metaphysical perspective:

    "This is human evolution and those that are born without wisdom teeth have new DNA patterning that can be referred to as 'evolved,' yes. This is not necessarily indicative of psychic or clairvoyant abilities being prominant, however. This is more a sign of higher density humans who have already been through the Ascension process incarnating into third density to help take the planet Earth & humanity through the Ascension. Yes, from one perspective their DNA has been altered by 'Extra-Terrestrials' yet simultaneously this is natural evolution." -WE ARE THE WHITE WINGED COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF NINE.

  2. Happy early Friday the 13th! The clique I was a part of in highschool used to throw sweet parties whenever the day rolled by. In 1998 there was two in a row because it was a 28 day February, and there were Friday the 13ths both February and March that year!

    ALSO: The Misfits have an excellent song, The Shinging, someone made this fan vid for it which makes me want to see the movie:

